Holiday stress got you frazzled? Here’s a gift for you.
When faced with the pressures of life, emotional
turmoil is only one aspect of the problem. Hormones like adrenaline and
cortisol accelerate the heart rate, tense major muscle groups, and can even
thicken the blood. All that can be beneficial as a short-term thing, when you
need that “fight or flight” edge adrenaline is famous for. But bathing in those
hormones over an extended period can cause cardiovascular disease and other illnesses. Prolonged stress is simply
What’s the solution? Quit your job, leave your family, and
live on an island paradise? We don’t advise it. Sometimes, attempts to get away
from it all merely create a new set of stressors. As long as we’re alive, we’ll
have problems to deal with. The trick isn’t escaping the drama, but knowing how
to deal with it.
Our gift to you this holiday season is a three-pronged key
to reducing the damaging effects of stress in your life.
1) Find your stress
Usually we think of this in broad terms. For instance, many
people will tell you that money is a
major stress trigger. But that’s too
vague. What is it, specifically, about money that troubles you? Do you have too much month at
the end of the paycheck? Does mounting debt make you suffocate? Are your
accounts in such disarray you don’t even know where you stand?
Whether the trigger is financial, familial,
job-related, or otherwise, once you isolate it, you’re better equipped to meet
it head-on. If you’re not sure how, don’t be afraid to enlist the help of an
advisor, be it a financial planner, a family counselor, or a professional
organizer. That’s what they’re there for!
2) Slay the dragon of
Once you grab the bull by the horns,
you might find the critter has some unexpected allies. Interruptions, unplanned expenses, illnesses or injuries, car
breakdowns, or sewer back-ups are just a few of the things that can make you lose
your grip. When sewage happens, your mental response is vital to
staying above it.
In these tense situations, beware of the “woe-is-me” attitude that casts you as a helpless damsel in
distress. For example, instead of thinking This
could only happen to me! or I don’t
have time for this, see yourself as a stalwart knight who’s up for any
challenge. This is unexpected, but I can
manage it or I can adjust my schedule
and it’ll work out fine.
3) Know when to take
a breather.
Some days, no matter what your attitude, everything seems to
go wrong. At such times, the best option can be simply to take a break.
Separate yourself temporarily from the stressors to whatever degree is
practical. The distraction can give you a chance to regroup, think more clearly,
and ease the flow of stress hormones surging through your system.
Phone a friend who always makes you laugh. Work a
brain-teaser, or write a poem. A longer-term solution might involve exercise.
Take a brisk walk, go to the gym, or enroll in yoga classes. Get out and play in
the sun. These activities relieve stress and also fire up the brain’s reward
center. People who exercise regularly show greater self-confidence during
stressful situations and are calmer in general than those who neglect physical
Life happens; there's nothing we can do about that. Our wish is that this gift can help you take charge of your life in the coming year.